ID card printers typically use ribbons that are made up of different panels for printing colors and providing other functions. Panels are typically identified by a letter or two with the most common dye sublimation panels being:
Y = Yellow dye sublimation panel
M = Magenta dye sublimation panel
C = Cyan dye sublimation panel
K = Black resin panel (K = Key = Black)
O = Overlay panel
The YMC (Yellow, Magento and Cyan) panels are used together for full-color printing and composite black text. For crisp, black text (e.g. for printing barcodes), then a ribbon with a Black resin (K) panel can be used. Other common panels are
O = Overlay (aka Overcoat) panel for providing a protective finish for added card protection
T = Topcoat (same as an Overlay panel)
UV = Ultraviolet panel for printing text and graphics that can only be seen under an ultra-violet light
I = Inhibitor panel for restricting where text and graphics can be printed
Another type of ribbon is a “Half-Panel Color Ribbon” where the Yellow, Yellow, Magenta and Cyan panels are half the size of the regular panels but the other panels are full-sized panels (e.g. a “ymcKO” ribbon). These ribbons can provide cost-savings where color is only required on up to half the card with black available for any part of the card).